
Contemporary Fashion | Wedding Photographer

I am a freelance photographer and photo retoucher with a passion for life and the art that lies within. The colors of a photo, the shape of a dancer, the intensity of a musical beat, and the written word. We all choose avenues to express our selves by and my avenue is captured with my camera.

I am primarily self taught aside from the special few who helped me fill in the blanks. I have always had a passion for collectively joining together colors and shapes, textures and angles, lights and shadows to fill my viewfinder with beauty. To combine a team of artists who excel in their own skills, who help me to cross my t’s and dot my i’s. Make-up artists, hair stylists, wardrobe and assistants. Everyone plays their part in collaboratively ending with a final product that everyone is satisfied with.


I love to photograph weddings, what a beautiful day and an honor to be the one capturing YOUR special marriage. Everyone is looking their best, glowing with smiles and dressed to the nines. Matching colors, flowers and candles, a beautiful production already put together just waiting for me to photograph. What more could I ask for?

I am currently based out of Portland, Oregon though I am not tied down to this location. Destination shoots and travel are my love as every place has it’s own color and energy. I am always looking for new places to see, new faces to photograph and new ideas to grasp. Thank you for stopping by, Michelle Pearl Gee mi@michellegee.com 503.515.4456 Event Photos http://www.shoshot.smugmug.com

Creative Commons License

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